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M&T Engineering Equipments is a pioneer manufacturer of Dairy, Pharma, and all types of Food Processing Equipment in India.

Ozone Bubble Washer

Ozone Bubble Washer

At M&T, we're committed to revolutionizing food safety and quality with our innovative Ozone Bubble Washer designed specifically for fruits and vegetables. Our cutting-edge technology harnesses the power of ozone to effectively remove contaminants and ensure the cleanliness and freshness of produce. From small-scale operations to large-scale industrial facilities, our ozone bubble washer offers unparalleled performance and reliability, setting new standards in food processing sanitation.

Utilizes ozone, a powerful oxidizing agent, to eliminate harmful bacteria, viruses, pesticides, and other contaminants from the surface of fruits and vegetables. Ozone effectively penetrates porous surfaces and crevices, ensuring thorough disinfection without the use of harsh chemicals. Generates fine bubbles that envelop the produce, facilitating gentle yet thorough cleaning and disinfection. The agitation created by the bubbles helps dislodge dirt, debris, and microorganisms, ensuring comprehensive sanitation.

M&T Ozone Bubble Washer for Fruits and Vegetables offers a revolutionary solution for food processing facilities seeking to enhance food safety, quality, and efficiency. With advanced ozone disinfection technology, user-friendly controls, and sustainable operation, our ozone bubble washer delivers superior performance and reliability, ensuring the cleanliness and freshness of produce while meeting the highest standards of hygiene and safety. Contact us today to learn more about how our ozone bubble washer can benefit your operation.